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Parasitology Tests

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    Includes 3 day samples

    This is a 3 day stool collection test that screens for parasites, yeast, good bacteria, bad bacteria and if abnormal species are found for negative bacteria or yeast, the results may also show potential plant or prescription treatment options best suited to eradicate your microbe(s). This test is a more cost effective combination of the Parasitology X3 test and the Microbiology Profile test.

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    Single day stool test

    This stool test includes looking at levels of common good/benficial bacteria, and an assessment for bad/pathogenic/dysbiotic bacteria, Clostridium species, and a quick screen for the presence of yeast (ie.Candida species). People with an imbalance in their microbes may experience: irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, fatigue, headaches, seasonal allergies, skin reactions, increased food allergies, vaginal symptoms, urinary tract infections, and more.

    A balance of beneficial microbes in our systems has been associated with many health benefits including: decreased microbial pathogens, prevention and treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, prevention of travelers’ diarrhea, reduction of lactose intolerance symptoms, reduction in serum cholesterol levels, increased immune system, increased neurotransmitters, better hormone function and more.

    A balanced gut ecology also results in the production of nutrients such as folic acid, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, biotin and vitamin K. Exposure to daily toxins, chemicals, antibiotics, hormones such as the birth control pill, processed and sugary foods, and high stress are all predisposing factors for seeing an imbalance in our bacteria. A positive result for negative bacteria or yeast may also show potential plant or prescription treatment options best suited to eradicate your microbe(s).

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    Includes 3 day samples

    This is a 3 day stool collection test to screen for parasites, ovo (parasite eggs), yeast and red blood cells. Parasites such as Blastocystis, Dientamoeba and yeast species tend to grow in pockets in the digestive system. This 3 day sample results in more accurate findings as it is not uncommon for a single day sample to have a negative result and and other day a positive result due to their life cycle, shedding and ability to adhere to the digestive wall.

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